Performing Lectures
Thursday, July 8th 2004
in Atelierfrankfurt

"Extra Clear Power"

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A cat, says the myth, always land on its feet. A sandwich, says experience, always land with the butter down. Consequently, if one puts butter on the back of a cat it will fly, or at least not land. Logic is a winner.

Theatre is a machinery of illusions which never tells the truth. To lecture is to produce an apparatus of knowledge that should never lie. Consequently, if one lectures in a theatre, it will be a Bauch Platsch, or the truth told as a lie. The winner is logic.

"Extra Clear Power" brings in the audience as the winner, the lecturer as an illusion and the theatre as the talk of the town, between science and fiction here and now. Surprisingly, landing twice up- and side-down.

Mårten Spångberg works as dramaturge with Christine de Smedt/Les Ballets C. de la B. (e.g. for "9x9"). As a performer he was part of Tom Plischke/B.D.C. in "Re-Sort". In productions with Ingun Björnsgaard, Angela Guerreiro, Dennis O’Connor, Xavier Le Roy and others he worked as dramaturge and performer. Spångberg is founding member of the swedish performance collective Fame International and initiator and artistic director of the Panacea Festival in Stockholm. For the Wiener Festwochen 1998 he curated international events such as "Body Currency". Mårten Spångberg is a frequent lecturer at international theatre and dance congresses. 2000 he was guest professor at the Insitute for Applied Theatre Studies at the University of Giessen. 2001 he was teacher at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. In Frankfurt he was co-curator of the 4th and the 5th International Summer Academy.